
Luna curentă

Programul lunii septembrie se va anunța ulterior.

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Creative Writing Workshop #2 – Fabulamundi New Voices @ODEON

Sunday, 25th of February 2024, the second long-time writing workshop started as part of the fourth edition, New Voices, of the European project Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe.

Mărțișor (trinket) @ODEON

Dear spectators, friends of Odeon Theatre, in Romania March is called Mărțișor (or the trinket, in an approximate English translation) on which occasion we are happy to offer you a little theatrical joy at the beginning of spring.

Tudor Parhon’s painting exhibition @ODEON

We’re happy to announce the opening of the painting exhibition signed by Tudor Parhon, that will take place in the foyer of the Studio Hall, Tuesday, 13th of February, at 19.00.

Projects for the 2023 – 2024 Season

Dear spectators, friends of Odeon Theatre, 2024 promises to be an artistically challenging year and we hope to have you next to us. The projects for this season were announced…